2.5 Implementation and Supervision

Implementation and Supervision Tools:

  • Contract specifications or scope of work altered after contract awarded.
  • Site inspection indicates that work performed was not in accordance with the technical specifications (below-specification civil works, goods and services are accepted)
  • Technical specifications of materials provided do not correspond to the specifications agreed upon in contract
  • Site inspection indicates that project completion is less than that certified or that a completed project is not operational
  • Goods or services not being used, or being used for purposes inconsistent with intended purposes
  • Wrong quantities of goods and materials are delivered
  • Delays in the delivery of goods or services in any part of the project implementation process
  • Substitution of nominated consultant staff with less qualified and experienced personnel
  • Frequent changes in key staff of PMU/PIU
  • Changes in PIU/PMU and Bank staff responsible for post-procurement verifications.
  • Lack, or low level, of oversight of the physical works
  • Absence or insufficient post-procurement verification of scope of work and physical inspections.
  • Site diaries and meeting minutes are not maintained
  • Written instructions are not given to contractors.
  • Incomplete records in PIU/PMU – significant number of missing documents.
  • Lax checking and certification of progress billings.
  • Incomplete site measurement records to justify claims for progress payments.
  • High frequency of Change Orders to the contract
  • 'As-built' drawings are photocopies of technical specifications in the bidding documents
  • The detailed drawings, 'as-built' drawings, back-up data sheets contain errors or repetitive entries.
  • Failure to pay progress payments and invoices on a timely basis.
  • Excessive number of signatures required to approve progress payments.
  • Evaluation of contractors’ performance not recorded.
  • Costs overruns are inadequately explained or justified.
  • Considerable beneficiary dissatisfaction with completed project facilities.


Theme 2


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