Each of these tools can work separately or in combination.

Each of the components of the cycle is anlayzed, in summary graphic form, from these perspectives:

Scope - the propose of funtion of that part of the project cycle;
Possible risk/vulnerabilities - the inherent or situational risk, or opportunities for the presence of fraud and corruption, for that particular project cycle component;
Considerations - the various issues or related facts that are necessary to understand the overall context of the possible risk and/or vulnerabilities for the project cycle component; and
Remedies - possible actions or concepts that can be applied to the project cycle risk and7or vulnerabilities to reduce or eliminate the potential or actual presence of these situations.

In several of the project cycle component sections, tools are also provided. Please note that: (1) tools may be applicable to more than one project cycle component; (2) the PreAppraisal and Implementation and Supervision components, because their srong connection to local project activities, necessarily receive the most analysis and tool aplication, and (3) the Negotiation and Board Approval, Implementation and Completion, and Evaluation component sections do not have tools - because the primary activities take place at non-local levels.


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