The toolkit is an initial colletion of various types of "tools": practices, processes, actions and other materials and ideas for positively addressing situations possibly or actually involving fraud and corruption. Think of the word "tool" broadly as you read, think about and apply these materials: a tool can be as simple as ensuring that TTL asks more probing questions of project officials to a more robust and formal Corruption Vulnerability Assessment. As we learn from our expreiences, this toolkit is intended to change and adapt, and to be used as a vehicle for spreading anti-corruption knowledge and awarensess.

It is also important to understand what the guide is not: it is not a new Bank policy or statement with respect to corruption challenge. as such , we must all realize that challenges remain within the system in wich we operate - and positive results may, at times, not be inmediately appartment or easily achievable.

Local energy and initiative, however, can draw attention to problems and begin the process of fundamental change. Use these tools selectively and flexibly, communicate with collagues about your successes and failures in this anti-corruption area, and continously apply the concepts of transparency, accountability. Our collective efforts, at the local level, can make a substantial difference.




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