2.1 Country Assistance Strategy
Country Assistance Tools:
  “Tone Setting” – A general Dialogue tool which seeks to promulgate communications, in various forms, regarding the importance of anti-corruption and the need to mainstream anti-corruption strategies into overall country strategy.
  TTLs who assist in development or provide input into CAS should “make their voice heard” about having an anti-corruption strategy embedded in each CAS.

Anti-corruption initiatives that are gaining momentum that may be considered for inclusion in the case are as follows:

  • Integrity Pacts: A transparency tool developed by Transparency International, integrity pacts are agreements among companies and the government whereby all parties agree to not engage in corruption and other proscribed conduct.
  • Independent Compliance Monitors A transparency tool, a monitor is independent of the government and Bank that will monitor the project for anti-corruption weaknesses and red flags and may also be involved in conducting investigations of allegations.   In many cases, a compliance monitor is embedded in an integrity pact to ensure compliance among the parties.
  As part of the CAS is an excellent example of a Dialogue tool. The ACAT is useful for building a demand for good governance and creating an anti-corruption dialogue at the national level and among key stakeholders, such as Multilateral Development Banks.  The ACAT can also push for improvements in the local legal framework to facilitate anti-corruption reforms.

Composition of potential interested party group includes:


Strategic level group that provides forum for senior government officials, bank staff and civil society to discuss in frank and open fashion what works and what does not work in anti-corruption risk mitigation. The forum is also useful as a reporting group for the independent compliance monitor.


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