This section analyzes systematic and grand corruption from the initial perspective of the project cycle and describes various tools that are available to the task team leader to use in seeking to reduce corruption in Bank-financed projects.  These tools are “non-policy” based tools. More specifically, they do not require a change in Bank policy in order for the TTL to bring them into operation as a method or approach to preventing or mitigating the risk of corruption in Bank-financed operations.  However, there are costs, both in terms of Bank budget and TTL time. 

The tools are broken down into three broad categories or groupings, which include:

Dialogue Tools

National level forums involving senior stakeholders which create an environment for frank discussion about anti-corruption measures to be implemented on portfolios and specific project.

Project level working groups involving implementation staff who meet to trouble shoot corruption issues at the project and subproject level
Analytical tools
Diagnostic devices employed to identify indicators of fraud and corruption in project implementation.
Transparency Tools
Mechanism for ensuring that government regulators, civil society, NGOs and Media have open access to information on use of public funds


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