Esta sección esta disenada para desarrollar tus habilidades de lectura y comprension del idioma inglés. En este momento será mas facil para ti entender la lectura, ya que se ha utilizado el método de comprender el significado del contexto sin utilizar algún método de traducción gramatical. Lee el siguiente material y contesta las preguntas.
Maria's School
Ray and I are attending the same classes this semester. We are taking Art, Physical ed, Math, English, U.S History, Science and Spanish. We are in Math classes right now. We are sitting together. I don’t like Math, because it is very difficult. Ray’s favorite subject is Physical education. He is leaving the math class right now because he is playing football soccer. The game is starting in a few minutes.
Contesta la preguntas correctamente.
1. Ray and Maria are attending the same classes.
Wrong answer, try again Correct answer!2. Maria's favorite class is Math.
Wrong answer, try again Correct answer!3. Ray loves sports.
Wrong answer, try again Correct answer!4. They don’t like to sit together.
Wrong answer, try again Correct answer!