Reading Comprehension
Esta seccion esta diseñada para desarrollar tus habilidades de lectura y comprension del idioma ingles. En este momento sera mas facil para ti entender la lectura, ya que se ha utilizado el metodo se comprender el significado del contexto sin utilizar algun metodo de traduccion gramatical. Lee el siguiente material y contesta las preguntas.
Reading Exercise
My name is Daly Sánchez. I live in Chicago. I speak Spanish and English. My husband’s name is Jeff. He speaks English. Our children, Franky and Sarah, speak English and Spanish. At school, they learn English and Spanish. We live in a big house. Every day, my husband cooks breakfast. Every day, we read magazines. We drink tea and watch T.V.
Contesta la preguntas correctamente.
1. Where does Daly live?
Wrong answer, try again Correct answer!!!2. Which languages does Daly speak?
Wrong answer, try again Correct answer!!!3. What language does Jeff speak?
Wrong answer, try again Correct answer!!!4. Which languages do Franky and Sarah speak?
Wrong answer, try again Correct answer!!!5. What size is the house they live in?
Wrong answer, try again Correct answer!!!6. What does Daly do every day?
Wrong answer, try again Correct answer!!!7. What does Jeff do every day?
Wrong answer, try again Correct answer!!!8. What do they watch every day?
Wrong answer, try again Correct answer!!!9. What do they read every day?
Wrong answer, try again Correct answer!!!Reading Exercise II
My name is Daly Sanchez. I am from Guadalajara, México. I live in Chicago with my family. Our address is 9503 Washington Heights Ave. Our telephone number is 738-3948.
Lee cuidadosamente y completa las oraciones con una de las opciones que se dan para cada caso.
My name is .
I am from .
I live in with my family.
Our address is .
Our telephone number is .