
Esta seccion esta disenada para desarrollar tus habilidades de lectura y comprension del idioma ingles. En este momento sera mas facil para ti entender la lectura, ya que se ha utilizado el metodo se comprender el significado del contexto sin utilizar algun metodo de traduccion gramatical. Lee el siguiente material y contesta las preguntas.

Reading The year and its seasons

The year has four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. The spring season takes place during March, April and May. The spring season is also known as the season of flowers because is in this time that flowers blossom in every park, window pots, or the country side. During the summer season the weather is warm. It consists of the months of June, July and August. Many people are on vacation during that time, some of them fly away to visit other countries, others go to the beach and others just stay at home having a wonderful time in their cities. Autumn or fall usually has a cool and clear weather. The trees lose their leaves during this season. It takes place in September, October and November. And finally, winter: the weather is really cold during December, January and February. In some places there are snow storms. It is really, really cold. You must use every coat and jacket, boots and sweaters to feel a bit more comfortable and warm. The year round we have many holidays that let us not forget important dates of our history. We have: Independence day, Easter Sunday, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and many others. And now, which season do you like best?

Contesta la preguntas correctamente.

1. In which season do we wear strong coats and boots?

2. Summer season is good for?

3. How many seasons does the year have?

4. Spring is also known as?

Description of my town

My name is Maribel. I live in Mexico. My town is not big and not small. It is a beautiful place to live. The sky is always blue and it is always warm. My house is white and green. The windows are brown and they are big. There are tall trees in front of my house. Our neighborhood is quiet. We have some noisy chickens in our back yard. Every day, I can hear the children laughing and playing. My daughter, Laura, is a beautiful girl. She has long, black hair My son, Ricardo, is very tall. He has short black hair. He looks like his father. I am very happy.

Contesta la preguntas correctamente.

1. What color is Maribel's house?

2. What color is Laura's hair?

3. Where does maribel live?

4. Is Maribel neighborhood noisy or quiet?

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