

Esta seccion esta disenada para desarrollar tus habilidades de lectura y comprension del idioma ingles. En este momento sera mas facil para ti entender la lectura, ya que se ha utilizado el metodo se comprender el significado del contexto sin utilizar algun metodo de traduccion gramatical. Lee el siguiente material y contesta las preguntas.

Reading Comprehension

Today is a terrible day! I feel very sick! My head hurts. I have a headache. My tooth hurts. I have a fever. I cut my finger. It is bleeding. My stomach hurts and I think I have an earache! Please call the doctor. l feet terrible!

Contesta la preguntas correctamente.

1. Is today a good day for Sam?

2. How does Sam feel?

3. What hurts?

4. What did he cut?

5. Who does he want to call?

Unidad 10

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